Seller Policy Pages

Welcome to Begun Online , an online marketplace connecting buyers and sellers. This policy outlines the guidelines and expectations for sellers using our platform. By creating a seller account and listing products or services on Begun Online, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions.

  1. Eligibility To become a seller on Begun Online, you must meet the following criteria:
  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You must provide accurate and up-to-date personal or business information during the registration process.
  • You must comply with all applicable local laws and regulations.
  1. Account Setup To set up a seller account on Begun Online, follow these steps:
  • Visit our website and click on "Create a Seller Account."
  • Provide the required information, including your name, contact details, and business information (if applicable).
  • Verify your identity through the provided verification process.
  • Agree to our terms of service and seller policy.
  1. Listing Guidelines When creating product or service listings on Begun Online, sellers must:
  • Provide accurate and detailed descriptions of their offerings.
  • Upload high-quality images that clearly represent the product or service.
  • Include accurate pricing information and any applicable taxes or fees.
  • Comply with our content guidelines, including avoiding offensive, misleading, or prohibited content.
  1. Prohibited Items or Services The following items or services are strictly prohibited from being sold on Begun Online:
  • Counterfeit or unauthorized goods.
  • Illegal drugs, weapons, or any other products that violate local laws.
  • Adult content or explicit material.
  • Stolen or infringing items.
  • Any products or services that are unethical or harmful to individuals or society.
  1. Pricing and Fees As a seller on Begun Online, you are responsible for setting your own prices for your products or services. However, please note that Begun Online charges a commission fee of 10% on each successful sale. 

  2. Payment and Transactions Begun Online facilitates secure transactions between buyers and sellers. Once a buyer makes a purchase, the payment will be processed through our platform. Sellers will receive payment directly to their designated account after deducting the applicable fees. It is the seller's responsibility to ensure accurate payment information is provided.

  3. Shipping and Fulfillment Sellers are responsible for shipping and fulfilling orders promptly. Key points to note:

  • Clearly communicate shipping costs, estimated delivery times, and any applicable tracking information to buyers.
  • Take necessary precautions to ensure safe and secure packaging.
  • Address any issues related to damaged or lost shipments promptly and provide appropriate resolution.
  1. Seller Performance and Accountability To maintain a high standard of service, sellers are expected to:
  • Respond to customer inquiries or concerns within 24-48 hours.
  • Fulfill orders promptly and maintain a high order fulfillment rate.
  • Provide excellent customer service and resolve any issues in a professional manner.
  • Maintain a positive feedback rating and encourage buyers to leave reviews.
  1. Customer Service Sellers must provide exceptional customer service, including:
  • Assisting customers with pre-sale inquiries and product information.
  • Resolving customer complaints or disputes in a fair and timely manner.
  1. Intellectual Property and Copyright Sellers must respect intellectual property rights and avoid infringing on copyrights or trademarks. It is the seller's responsibility to ensure that their listings do not violate any third-party rights.

  2. Termination or Suspension In case of policy violations or misconduct,  Begun Online reserves the right to suspend or terminate